Kansas Cyclist is Part of the Streetsblog Network

Kansas Cyclist is proud to be a member of the Streetsblog Network, which brings together progressive transportation policy bloggers from across the United States.


The Streetsblog Network connects people to information about sustainable transportation and livable communities, and shares the story of the movement to transform our cities by reducing dependence on private automobiles and improving conditions for pedestrians, cyclists, and transit riders.

In addition to Kansas Cyclist, other regional sites in the Streetsblog Network include Bike Denver, Iowa Bike Blog, BikeWalkKC, Missouri Bicycle and Pedestrian Federation, Bike Omaha, and BikeWalkTulsa.

The Streetsblog message of sustainable transportation and livable communities applies just as much in rural areas as it does in more urban settings. Indeed, small town life is, in many ways, the model for what a "livable community" should be – compact, walkable, bikeable, self-sustaining, a place where you know your neighbors, and everyone works toward a common good.

You can follow the Streetsblog Network via RSS, Facebook, Google+, and Twitter.

Last Update: February 13th, 2014