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Lawrence Unchained Bicycle Coop

Lawrence Unchained Bicycle Coop helps promote sustainability and healthful living through bicycle distribution and cycling education in Lawrence, Kansas.

Community bike shops are part of a growing grass-roots movement in the US to get people on bikes by creating spaces where old bikes can be rehabilitated, where people can rediscover bicycling, learn how to maintain their bikes and learn how to bicycle safely and legally. We want to share the enjoyment that bicycling brings to our lives to others in the area by advocating for cycling, by teaching safe bicycling techniques and, most importantly, bringing old bicycles out of sheds and basements and garages and getting them back to life and back on the street.

Lawrence Unchained Bicycle Coop is currently looking for workshop space in Lawrence.

Web Site: lawrenceunchained.com
Location: Lawrence, KS

Last Update: December 1st, 2015