The Wild Horse Century and Double Century is an annual event that takes place in Poteau, Oklahoma. Located in the southeastern corner of Oklahoma, this area is arguably the most beautiful part of the state. Lush forests, amazing fall colors, scenic vistas...it will change your mind about Oklahoma!
There are 100-mile century and a 200-mile double century routes, as well as the Cavanal Hill Time Trial, which is a lung searing, rip your legs off uphill time trial that heads you up what is billed as the "World's Highest Hill". The time trial will have you gaining over 1800 feet in just 5.2 miles, average gradient of 8%, with some sections tilting upward at 14%. This climb earns a Catagory 1 rating. Not to be taken lightly.
The century and double century share a great deal of the same course, including a long stretch on the challenging Talimena Scenic Drive. The century riders exit the west end of the drive to make a beautiful return trip to Poteau. The double century riders cover an even longer section of the Scenic Drive, before finally making their way back to Poteau. The century has close to 6,000 ft of climbing, the double has over 14,000 ft.
WARNING!!! This is NOT a run of the mill event. The course for the century and especially for the double century are VERY challenging and will test even the strongest riders! There is lots of very steep climbing, especially on the Talimena Scenic Drive sections. Come prepared!!! You have been warned!
Web Site: nucleareventracing.com
Location: Poteau, OK [map]
Event Info:
Date | Ride |
10-08-2016 | Wild Horse Century and Double Century - An annual event that takes place in Poteau, Oklahoma, with a very challenging route that will test even the strongest riders. |