
Wicked Wilson 100

Wicked Wilson 100

The Wicked Wilson 100 is "a tough but fun gravel race/ride" that takes place in the hill country around Wilson State Park near Wilson, Kansas. The course will be 102 miles and will be a challenge but will also have lots of areas to recover and enjoy the beautiful countryside.

The Wicked Wilson 100 is a fully-supported event with 3 checkpoints/aid stations so it will be very rider-friendly and not require you to bring any additional support unless you want it. Two categories, 45 plus and under 45. Cash pay-out to the top 3 finishers in each category.

Even though this is a race, it will still be a great opportunity for those that are new to the gravel grinding scene or those that just want to ride at a casual pace.

Web Site: facebook.com
Location: Wilson, KS

Event Info:

09-10-2016Wicked Wilson 100 - A tough but fun gravel race/ride that takes place in the hill country around Wilson State Park near Wilson, Kansas. 102 miles with full support.

Last Update: February 16th, 2016