Tour de Vino Follow Tour de Vino on Facebook

Tour de Vino

Tour de Vino is an annual bicycle wine tour that takes place in Miami County, Kansas. Experience the wineries of the Somerset Wine Trail by bike, each bringing a signature style to their hand-produced, artisan wines from grape varieties specially selected for each vineyard and for the region. Purchased wine will be waiting for you after the ride at Nighthawk Vineyard and Winery, along with live music and food options.

The tour features route options of 13, 17, and 30 miles, primarily on gravel roads. Pre-registered riders will receive a commemorative wine glass, and a Tour de Vino shirt. All riders receive a "passport" card containing a map and tour info, ride support, and access to wine-tastings at each of the wineries. Free live music will be provided after the ride.

Ride headquarters and start and finish at Lake Miola in Paola, KS.

Tour de Vino is hosted by the Miami County Velo Cycling Club (MiCoVelo).

Web Site: facebook.com
Location: Paola, KS

Event Info:

04-21-2018Tour de Vino - An annual bicycle wine tour of wineries in Miami County, Kansas, with free wine tastings, and a commemorative shirt and wine glass for pre-registered riders. 13, 17, and 30-mile gravel route options.

Last Update: March 28th, 2018