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Oklahoma Bike Summit

The Oklahoma Bike Summit is an annual two-day educational and advocacy conference, hosted by the Oklahoma Bicycling Coalition, and features a variety of speakers and sessions focused on bicycle facility design, bicycle tourism, bicycle education, and Safe Routes To School, as well as a reception to allow people to mingle and visit with the speakers in a relaxed environment.

"The Oklahoma Bike Summit is for bicyclists, urban planners, transportation engineers, health professionals, architects, elected officials, state agencies, and civic leaders, all of whom come together to learn and share about bicycling and the benefits it offers to the citizens and economy of Oklahoma."

Web Site: okbikesummit.org
Location: Muskogee, OK [map]

Event Info:

11-03-2018Oklahoma Bike Summit - An annual two-day educational and advocacy conference that focuses on bicycle facility design, bicycle tourism, bicycle education in Oklahoma.

Last Update: September 7th, 2018