Little Rock Tweed Ride Follow Little Rock Tweed Ride on Facebook

Little Rock Tweed Ride

The Little Rock Tweed Ride is an annual event that takes place in Little Rock, Arkansas. It is a free event, and everyone is welcome. Meet up and wear your tweed and funky mustaches! Then ride bicycles around town at a very social pace. The ride begins and ends at the Clinton Presidential Center, 1200 President Clinton Ave, Little Rock, Arkansas 72201

Yes, add Little Rock to the list of cities to host a tweed ride. Tweed rides are a growing part of bicycling sub-culture. No spandex, no mud, no heart-rate monitors, no power meters. Kits (cycling lingo for riding clothes) included wool instead of nylon, old single speed bikes if we could find them, baskets, flowers, a nice hat with pearls, knickers and a bow tie.

Web Site:
Location: Little Rock, AR [map]

Event Info:

03-26-2016Little Rock Tweed Ride - An annual ride taking place in Little Rock, Arkansas. Meet up and wear your tweed and funky mustaches!

Last Update: January 24th, 2016