Chautauqua Red Flint Hills Gravel Crusher is a series of three challenging gravel grinders in three distinct hill regions of south central Kansas. Each hill region is unique. Each race is between 75-100 miles.
For 2013, the races are:
- The first is located in the Chautauqua and Osage Hills, not surprisingly, in Chautauqua County. This event is called "Manka Chonka Bonka", and will be on Saturday, March 16th. Start and finish will be at the Red Buffalo Ranch at a place called Butcher Falls.
- The second is located in the Red Hills, aka Gyp or Gypsum Hills, and is in Barber County. This event is called the "Red Hills Roller", and will be on Saturday, April 20th. Start and finish will be at Buster's Saloon on Main St in Sun City, KS.
- The third and final is located in the Flint Hills in Cowley county. This event is called "Elrod's Cirque" and will be on Saturday, May 18th. Start and finish will be at Woodchuck's Bar and Grill on Main St in Winfield, KS.
All three events will have the following categories; Open Men (39 & Under), Veteran Men (40-49), Master Men (50 & Over), Open Women, Single Speed, Tandem, and Fat Bike. And being a series, we will be keeping score! So if you are new to gravel grinding or training for the Big Enchilada these grinders, aka Crushers, are for you!
This series has been renamed as the Boneshaker Gravel Series.
Web Site: facebook.com
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