Bike MS: Rock'n Hot Ride Follow Bike MS: Rock'n Hot Ride on Facebook

Bike MS: Rock'n Hot Ride

Bike MS is a two-day bicycling fundraiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Join family, friends, and co-workers to have fun and fight MS. Nearly 200 cyclists join to start to finish multiple sclerosis, and have collected thousands of dollars for the cause.

The Bike MS: Rock'n Hot Ride offers a route for all ages and abilities. The 150 mile, two-day ride begins and ends in Little Rock, Arkansas. The ride offers SAG vehicles and HAM Radio Operators monitoring the entire route, as well as rest stops approximately every 10 miles to give riders a chance to refuel on carbs, water and PowerAde.

The National Multiple Sclerosis Society is dedicated to ending the devastating effects of MS. Your participation will support programs, services, and research sponsored by the National Multiple Sclerosis Society that makes a huge difference to the people who must fight MS every day of their lives.

Join as an individual, join a team, or create a team, and help to support the fight against MS!

Web Site:
Location: Little Rock, AR [map]

Event Info:

09-07-2019Bike MS: Rock'n Hot Ride - Bike MS is a two-day bicycling fundraiser for the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. The 150 mile, two-day ride begins and ends in Little Rock, Arkansas.

Last Update: January 18th, 2019