Bike for the Brain is an event to bring a wide variety of people together to work toward increased understanding about brain-based illnesses that have emotional and behavioral symptoms. The event will involve activities to encourage people of all ages to come together, have fun, and learn. The hope is that, someday, so-called "mental" illness will be brought into the public forum in a way that reduces stigma. This will allow people affected by these illnesses to come forward earlier for support and treatment. Earlier intervention will lead to more effective care and more complete recovery.
Bike for the Brain offers urban/rural cycling courses of 3, 10, 33, 55, and 72 miles, with rest stops at mental health agencies and other locations, which will provide refreshments and any needed support. SAG (support and gear) vehicles will be on the course to help riders as necessary. These are rides, not races. There is also a non-competitive and untimed 5k fun run/walk, and a one-mile walk.
Funds raised from B4B will help support local not-for-profit organizations in Missouri and Kansas that provide services to individuals with mental illness.
Bike for the Brain starts at Johnson County Mental Health Center in Mission, Kansas.
Web Site: bikeforthebrain.org
Location: Mission, KS
Event Info:
Date | Ride |
09-07-2020 | Bike 4 the Brain - Bike for the Brain is a Mission, KS ride that promotes increased understanding about brain-based illnesses. There are 3, 10, 33, 55, and 72 mile options. |