The University of Iowa Cycling Club is open to all University of Iowa students, staff, and faculty, as well as anyone else who wishes to join. The main purpose of the club is to provide a medium for U of I students and others interested in cycling to meet and get to know one another. From there, friendships are made and group rides are soon to follow.
The club is open to, and consists of, all types of riders - from those looking to casually ride around town to those who are interested in collegiate racing. Due to demanding and conflicting schedules of our student members, the club typically does not adhere to scheduled club rides. To help set up rides, members use the club forum and email list. Each post is an open invitation for any club member to join in a ride.
The Club is also involved in both MTB and road collegiate racing. The University of Iowa is in the North Central Cycling Conference which is governed and regulated by USA Cycling. There are several MTB races in the Fall and several road races in the Spring.
Web Site: iowacycling.org
Location: Iowa City, IA [map]