Kansas Cycling News
Kansas Trail News: January 7, 2014
Posted on January 7, 2014 | No CommentsBear Bridge Proposed To Extend Haskell Rail-Trail; Kanza Annual Meeting; Pedestrian Bridge Over Kaw Proposed; Rail-Trail Organizations Receive Sunflower Grants; and more trail news from Kansas. -
Kansas Adventurers: Tramping and Camping with the Walking Woolfs
Posted on January 6, 2014 | 1 CommentThis fascinating and charming old book shares the 20,000 mile journey of Dwight and Stella Woolf of Kansas City, Kansas -- the 'Walking Woolfs' -- in the early part of the 20th century. -
Aiming For a Nice Round Number
Posted on January 1, 2014 | 1 CommentHave you set a bicycling goal for 2014? -
2013 Wrap
Posted on December 31, 2013 | No CommentsA quick look back at 2013 in Kansas bicycling news. -
Acting My Age
Posted on December 28, 2013 | 5 CommentsContinuing the tradition of 'ride your age on your birthday', I took advantage of a warm late-December day to get my birthday ride in. -
Sunflower Cycling News: 2013-12-18
Posted on December 18, 2013 | No CommentsBikes for kids in Abilene, Hays, Pratt; Louisburg Looks To Improve Downtown Bike/Ped Connections; and more bicycling news from Kansas and the heartland. -
Sunflower Cycling News: 2013-12-11
Posted on December 11, 2013 | No CommentsKansas National Guardsman Honored For Helping Save Bicyclist's Life, Shunga Trail Extension, Emporia Flow Track, Prairie Travelers Newsletter, and more bicycling news from Kansas and neighboring states. -
Bicyclist Killed in KCK Hit-and-Run
Posted on December 6, 2013 | 4 CommentsA bicyclist, Santiago Zamora-Zamora, was struck and killed by a hit-and-run driver on November 29th in Kansas City, Kansas. Police are asking for help in identifying the killer. -
Sunflower Cycling News: 2013-12-04
Posted on December 4, 2013 | 1 CommentKansas Cycling Association Plans Annual Banquet, Local bike store earns national honor, Bicycle Lobby Raises Agenda 21 Fears in Olathe, Douglas County Bikeway Plan, and more regional bicycling news. -
Sunflower Cycling News: 2013-11-27
Posted on November 27, 2013 | No CommentsTopeka Considers Bicycle Parking Ordinance, Wichita Bicycle Commuter Stats, Hit-and-Run Driver At Large in Lawrence, and more bicycling news and events from the heartland.