The National Bike Challenge kicks off today, and runs from May 1st through September 30th, with the goal of at least 50,000 riders participating, and riding at least 20 million miles.
For those of you participating in the “warm-up period” prior to the official start of the challenge, you did well.
As of April 30th, Kansas had 122 riders registered, and during the warm-up period, they rode 8,850 miles, placing Kansas #8 on the state charts. The top community was Oakley. The top team, the Kansas Cyclist team, logged nearly 2000 miles in the warm-up period.
Let’s keep on riding, keep on logging those miles, and keep on enjoying the ride!
The state and community rankings are not based on total mileage, but on the number of trips and the number of miles per participant. So smaller states and smaller communities have just as much of an opportunity to win the Bike Challenge as larger locales.
With all the committed cyclists in the Sunflower State, Kansas has a great chance to be a top-ranked state!
The formula for calculating “points” in the Challenge is really simple: it’s 20 points for each day you ride at least 1 mile, plus 1 point for each mile.
But most of all, have fun!
Post tags: National Bike Challenge, NewsBlog