Kansas Governor Kathleen Sebelius recently announced the creation of a transportation task force called “Transportation Leveraging Investments in Kansas” (T-LINK) charged with developing the state’s next transportation program.
State Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator Becky Pepper, in an email to bicycle clubs and advocacy organizations within the state, said:
The T-LINK task force will develop recommendations for an approach that recognizes all forms of transportation and serves the future of our state. We have heard from Governor Sebelius that bicycle and pedestrian needs will be paramount to the discussion of a new transportation program!
As a companion to T-LINK, staff from KDOT and members of the task force will be travelling the state in September to assess needs through Local Consult Meetings. These meetings will take place in Ulysses, Hays, Hutchinson, Abilene, Topeka, Olathe, Wichita, and Pittsburg. I encourage all bicycle and pedestrian providers and advocates to attend a Local Consult meeting! The input received at these meetings will shape the language of the transportation program.
For additional information, meeting dates, and continuous updates about T-LINK progress please visit kansastlink.com.
See also: Governor Announces Transportation Task Force (PDF), Letter From Governor Sebelius (PDF).