Location: Topeka

Cyclist on a Mission

Topeka, Kansas cyclist Eric Nordgren has embarked on a bicycle ride to raise money for local cancer victims. He set out from Topeka on June 4th, riding non-stop to Atwood, a journey of 335 miles, which he hopes to accomplish in 25 hours.

Last year, Nordgren rode 225 miles in one day, and raised $15,000, mostly from individuals making small donations, $5, $10, $20 at a time. He dubbed his ride the Northeast Kansas Tour de Cure, and the money went to Sunflowers to Roses Foundation, the Lance Armstrong Foundation and The University of Kansas Medical Center Cancer Research Foundation. Also, a $1,000 grant was given to local breast cancer victim Denise Benteman.

This year, all funds will support the same organizations and a new local cancer victim will be selected for a grant.

Nordgren, who owns Aspen Construction Services in Topeka, was inspired to ride in honor of his father and mother-in-law, both of whom died of cancer. “I decided to make it something really special and make it a commemorative event,” he said.

“It has really opened my eyes to a need that I wasn’t even aware of,” he said. “I had no clue that one-third of everyone in the United States will hear the words, ‘You’ve got cancer.’ That just never crossed my mind, and a quarter of those will die.”

“Part of the funds that we raise will go to research and will go toward those who are experiencing the illness and to help support them and their everyday need,” Nordgren said.

You can make a pledge by calling 785-266-7648 or by e-mailing aspentopeka@sbcglobal.net.

Read more: Topeka Capital-Journal, KSNT-TV, KTKA-TV

About The Author

By Randy Rasa, editor/webmaster at Kansas Cyclist, the web's premier Kansas cycling information site, featuring authoritative guides to Kansas cycling clubs, bike shops, organized bike rides, touring, trails, and much more. [learn more]

One response to “Cyclist on a Mission”

  1. Randy says:

    An update on Eric Nordgren: Topekan in the midst of 5,000-mile trek to fight cancer

    Turns out his 335-mile ride in early June was just an opening salvo in a summer-long series of long rides that “have taken him as far east as Concordia, Mo., west to the Colorado border, north to the Nebraska border, and south around the Emporia area.”