Gene Bisbee runs a web site called Biking Bis, which covers an incredible variety of bicycling news and information. His site maintains a comprehensive list of multi-day bicycle tours, and in compiling this year’s list, Gene noticed “the amazing artwork that some tours use to publicize their events. I’m particularly impressed by ones that keep the bicycle motif, but also lend a flavor from the state they represent.”
In 10 amazing logos for across-state bicycle tours, Bis puts Kansas’ own Border Raiders logo at the top of his list, saying that it is “probably the most unforgettable. John Brown is hoisting a wheel and a tire pump, looking a lot like an angry dude who has suffered his 5th blowout of the day.”
Other logos Bis finds striking include those for the Bicycle Tour of Colorado, Oklahoma FreeWheel and RAGBRAI.
Biking Across Kansas doesn’t appear to have a logo this year (or at least it’s not readily apparent on their site), so they didn’t make the list.
Read the full article for the entire list.
(Also worth reading: Gene cycled across the country in 1984, coming through Kansas along the way. Read his TransAmerica Bicycle Tour Journal for details.)